Jeremy Liberman

Using computer technology to solve people problems

Jeremy Liberman
September 11, 2018 · 3 min read

In React, HOCs (Higher Order Components) are a really good way to compartmentalize logic in your application so that it can be reusable. A Higher Order Component is essentially a function that returns a React Component. There are many HOCs that I use almost every day at my job, including redux-form's reduxForm() and redux-bee's query().

Until recently, as I was working on a component that needed to be enhanced, I would usually create a new component to be responsible for the application with regard to that HOC. For example, if I have a ProfilePage and I wanted to add a form to it, I would create a new ProfileForm component that would be enhanced by reduxForm:

export class ProfileForm extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return <form onSubmit={this.props.handleSubmit}>...</form>;

export default reduxForm({ form: "profileForm" })(ProfileForm);

This is fine, but over time it presents a couple of drawbacks:

Any necessary state, props, or context of ProfilePage need to be passed along.

This can be tedious to do the first time, but it can be downright nightmarish if your components are tightly coupled and then requirements change or the scope of a component changes and it needs to be moved somewhere else in the component hierarchy.

Mounting and update ProfileForm may have side effects based on the behavior of the HOCs that enhance it.

A lot of HOCs define the lifecycle methods componentDidMount, componentWillUnmount and componentDidUpdate or they maintain their own internal this.state. You will usually find that you need to have strict control over how and when these components unmount, or else parts of your application will reset unintentionally.

Enhancing the same component with three or more HOCs causes this.props to become massive

If you apply several HOCs to one component, it can end up with a ton of props to sort through!

Another developer who is less familiar with the HOCs in play (or even yourself, months later!) may not understand where any given prop comes from, leaving them with a lot of potential codebases to search for answers.

Two HOCs could both provide a prop with the same name

HOCs tend to enhance components by passing props to them that let you interact with whatever functionality the HOC provides. If two or more HOCs give the same name to different props, you can get into trouble.

Points taken. How do Providers fix this?

A Provider is child function component, or a component that takes a function as its children prop. You can express any HOC as a Provider, take for instance redux-form's HOC:

import { reduxForm } from "redux-form";

const toRenderProp = ({ children, }) => children(rest);
const FormProvider = reduxForm()(toRenderProp);

So how does ProfilePage look if we use our FormProvider now?

class ProfilePage extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
        initialValues={{ email: "" }}
        {formProps => <form onSubmit={formProps.handleSubmit}>...</form>}

Doesn't look like much, but this is a really useful technique to have in your React toolbox. Let's compare it to the drawbacks we listed earlier:

  • Since we didn't need to create a separate ProfileForm component, we don't need to pass any props/state/context along.
  • We have precise control over how the <FormProvider> and the <form> get rendered and we can mount and unmount them independently of each other.
  • Instead of polluting this.props with the dozens of props that reduxForm provides, all of that stuff is confined to the formProps param and this.props is left clean!
  • Since the props are now function parameters, the calling code can name them anything it wants so it can resolve any naming collisions.