Jeremy Liberman

Using computer technology to solve people problems

Jeremy Liberman
March 02, 2013 · 1 min read

I admit I’m something of a newb when it comes to the distributed source control system, Git. This came as a shock to me because I consider myself fairly competent working with Mercurial. When I got a “rebase already started” error message while preparing to submit my latest changes, I didn’t much know what to do about it.

Thinking the message was a leftover from a particularly ornery merge I had just performed on a prior issue, I tried running

$ git rebase --abort

and submitted the command. The local changes, the revisions I pulled from the server, and the commit for my most recent issue were all gone. Notice that last bit? I didn’t want that. Wonderful. Ensue frantic Googling.

That’s how I discovered git reflog. A command whose help text summary suffers from Git’s notorious documentation:

$ git help reflog
git-reflog - Manage reflog information

As I understand it, the reflog is like an activity stream of changes that happen to your repository. Fortunately, this means that in almost every instance, you can use it as a way to recover commits that you’ve lost while navigating the myriad of history manipulating commands that see common usage in Git, such as rebase. In this case, I found my commit:

$ git reflog show
483f7d0 HEAD@{18}: commit: DEV-1297 - Expand last viewed widget on home page

Now what’s cool about this listing, is that you can checkout these refs as if they were branches. If you want, you can even give it a name.

$ git checkout 483f7d0
$ git checkout -b DEV-1297-recovered
And from this branch my commit is restored and I can get back to work!